
Inclined towards suicide or not?

Every year almost a million people die due to something that could have been prevented if only someone near him would have had a tiny hint about it. That something that could have been prevented is “ suicidal tendency .” The need to commit suicide exists mostly among the depressed . And the depressed exist in every 20 people on earth. That means, for every 20 people you walk on the streets with, take the train or watch movie with one will most probably be depressed. Depression can work in advantage to us. It drives us to do things better and make the world a better place. But there is a dark side to it. If it isn’t productive, it kills. It is presumed that everyday more than 115 people commit suicide in the United States. More than 1.4% of the death worldwide is due to suicide. It’s definitely not the statistics that intimidates me, but it is the questions for which no one has the answers to. Questions like “What if someone near to me has suicidal tendencies and I don’t know abo

Skin's kin, the disgustin eleven!

Do you remember the first time you wanted to memorize the primary skin lesions aka the skin's kin? Did you end up confused, perplexed and mystified? If you did, you are not alone. Welcome to my club!!! Not only were these lesions confusing, they were (are) boring. Yawn!!! Whenever I made the slightest attempt to memorize them, I used to doze off to sleep. `````` Gallons of coffee and amphetamines would not have helped me get out of the slumber. That’s the beauty of this chapter of dermatology. Who am I kidding? That is the beauty of every chapter in dermatology ;). Here’s how I managed to remember all the primary skin lesions with ease. There are three numbers to be kept in mind 0.5 5 2. The first two are for raised lesions. The last one is for flat lesion. The largest lesion in the lot is a   TUMOR   which is defined as a raised skin lesion more than 5 cm in diameter. The largest flat lesion is a PATCH   which is more than 2 cm in diameter. The

White blood cells... Differential count, an infographic

Although I do not consider this is as one of my best works, since I haven't published anything for a reaaallllllyyyy long time here is an infographic on DC of WBCs!!!

Risk factors for AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia) - silly way to remember!

Imagine an Al-Qaeda terrorist with a sheep with 3 Ps to his one side and a 65 year old man to his other. They are riding on a Benz car with the top spinning and ABCD song plays in the background. All of a sudden there is an atomic explosion . The risk factors may remembered as follows Al-Qaeda = Alkylating agents Sheep with 3 Ps = S (Smoking) H (Herbicides) E (Embalming agents) E (Ethylene oxide) P (Petroleum products) P (Paint) P (Pesticides) 65 year old man (self explanatory) Benz car = Benzene Top = Topoisomerase inhibitors ABCD = Hereditary diseases A (Ataxia telengectasia) B (Bloom’s syndrome) C (Congenital neutropenia = Konnmann syndrome) D (Down syndrome) Atomic explosion = High energy radiation prevalent after an atomic explosion. Hoping this to be helpful to those wanting to learn about AML risk factors.

When I attempted to illustrate stages of Acute radiation sickness...

I started drawing the stages of acute radiation sickness and it reminded me of why I am not an artist... :P

Asthma without a wheeze!

Yep, you read it right. One can have asthma without a wheeze. Isn't bronchoconstriction a necessity to be considered as asthma? Yes, that is the definition of asthma. Then how can asthma with no wheeze exist? The wheeze seizes to exist when there is too much bronchoconstriction as in the case of Acute Severe Asthma . Just like one cannot play a trumpet with a closed bell. Acute severe asthma or status asthmaticus occurs in airways that have increased tendency to inflame when  exposed to certain triggers. Such triggers include: Allergens Infections Drugs Exercise Hyperventilation Cold air Stress Once the patient develops bronchoconstriction as a result of these triggers he ( male predominant) may spontaneously feel better or worse. If the constriction increases in intensity, status asthmaticus develops. Most probable cause includes improper management of asthma. Signs in such patients include: Cannot speak more than one syllable Dyspnea Chest tightness

High fat five to a large abdomen

Increase in abdominal girth could be due to various factors. One can remember this using the method below. High fat fives (six Fs) include: Fat Flatus Fluid Fetus Feces Fatal growth (often a neoplasm)